Sunday, February 19, 2012

My current weapons

You might think that being a Armorer and weapons enthusiast that I would likely have a small arsenal at my disposal.  Not true.  I am working to get together a wider set of weapons for fun and defensive purposes.  Mostly for fun.  I enjoy my time on the range and it does wonders to relieve stress.  Also my range time outside of the military is what makes me a consistently better shot than many of my peers.  I'd like to have a little something for every situation eventually.   What I do have at present sometimes seems to shock people.

What do I have at present?  A Walther P22, a Glock 22, and an AKMS-47.  I have my plinker, my daily defense, and my 'oh-shit' weapon.  Is it enough?  Yes.  I don't NEED more.  But I do WANT more.  I want a .22lr rifle, I want an M4 pattern, I want a shotgun, I want a full caliber rifle too.  Why?  I caught the bug I guess.  Some people get tattoos, I want guns.  I'm not fearful of zombies, riots, hippies, society collapse or much else (but I'm ready for it nonetheless).  I just enjoy it.  I like making minor mods and enjoy shooting.  I like customizing.  I like making weapons more functional.  It's not just a hobby but a functional skill with practical use.  Military wise, I train in various skill-sets to make myself more survivable and useful to my team.  When I train others, they too become more survivable and useful which further increases my own odds.  Good for me, good for them.

Soon, I'll get into what I'm doing with what I have and plans for future projects.  I'll upload some photos along the way and go through my thought process.

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