Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Local News...

So...I was scouting the local news and I'm none too happy.  In one story a woman is abducted at gunpoint from the grocery store, forced to drive to an ATM, robbed, and left at the ATM.  Thankfully she wasn't raped or harmed (physically) according to the report.  I REALLY want Grace to get a concealed permit, and maybe a pocket pistol.  Glock 26 comes to mind... I kinda want one too...

In a more feel good story, a local man, Doug Kennedy, apprehended one of a pair of sword-wielding Best Buy thieves.  Doug was just getting to the store as the two robbers came out.  He tells his son to stay put, and ran one of the robbers down.  Across 4 lanes of very busy traffic.  Another passer-by saw the struggle and assisted in the take-down.  Damn good job sir, I only wish more people had your courage and tenacity in these times.  Thank you.  Video after the jump.

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