Saturday, March 24, 2012

New Imaging Technology

I am constantly impressed by what we can achieve with smart use of technology.  I used to think that the Laser Microphone used during the Cold War was pretty clever, but now a camera has been developed which can see around corners by bouncing timed pulses of laser light as explained in the video.  While neat, I think the 'see-through-walls' stuff is further ahead in practical development, and has actually been fielded.  I posted a quick video of that after the jump for comparison.

How many years before this technology can be scaled into something usable and the size of a smartphone or something the size of a CNVD-T (Clip-on Night Vision Device - Thermal, SU-232/PAS) for Mil/LE use? A decade maybe?  

I don't imagine such a product to be of demand enough to drive its development outside of a lab immediately unlike the way cooler 'see-through-walls' technology such as the Xaver 100, 400, and 800. That technology is much further ahead and real systems are being fielded.  Here's a peak of that tech in its current stage.

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